Frequently asked questions.
What is your coaching philosophy?
You should be having fun! Sounds simple doesn’t it? Are you having fun?
There are lots of components that can make up having fun. Enjoying your workouts, your time training is one aspect. Are you enjoying your racing? Are your racing expectations being met, are they realistic? Are you really tense about your workouts? Most of us have busy lives and lots of other commitments. Are your workouts and time spent training helping you to reduce life stress or are they causing you more stress?
In other words are you having fun? Besides making sure you are moving forward in your training, just as importantly, or maybe more importantly, we want to make sure all the athletes we coach are enjoying their time training. Is every minute of every workout going to be a good time, well maybe not, but overall this should be a big enjoyment in your life.
Do I need a coach?
This is a question that each individual must decide for themselves.
Are you new to the sport? - maybe a coach is for you. Do you lack direction in your training? - a coach could help you with that. Are you overly tired all the time and injured frequently? - a coach could be for you. Have you plateaued or are you having trouble getting through to the next level? - coaching can help there.
Getting a coach is not a magic pill. You have to help your coach. Give your coach good feedback and help your coach help you!
What should I expect from my coach?
Your coach should help you set, short, medium and long term training goals that are realistic.
To challenge you, as an athlete and a person. To help you develop your training skills both physically and mentally.
Develop an open and confident relationship where you feel comfortable telling your coach what works for you and what is not working for you.
Your coach should LISTEN to you. It is not just about what a coach wants you to do. Your coach must hear what you are saying so they can adjust to make sure you are doing what is best for you at that time, not what he or she wants you to be doing at that time.
Your coach should help educate you. A coach should not just tell you what to do, they should be telling you why they think you should be doing the workouts they are giving you to do, what is the reason you are riding that hard ride that day.
Your coach should be able to help you find your limits. If you are looking to push yourself as hard as possible and get the most out of yourself, then your coach should be helping you find those limits with challenging workouts and tests.
There are lots of coaches out there, why use Russo Racing?
Peter Russo has over 30 years of racing and training experience. We have had some really good seasons and some that were not that hot. We have made some great training routines and found ones that were not so great. We have tried all sorts of diet and nutrition advice. In other words, We have tried a lot of things and found what we think works and what does not work.
We have had some of the best coaching ourselves and try to pass that on to our clients with our own twist.
We love the sport and enjoy keeping current on all the latest training techniques and training gadgets and technology.
We have made many good friends over the years in this sport and they have another few hundred years of experience. We bring all this experience to you.
We have been coaching over 15 years and have learned so much from our clients that we want to help pass this on to others.
When we started training and racing 30+ years ago there were no triathlon coaches and we made plenty of mistakes. Let us help you avoid making those same mistakes.
How do I receive my workouts?
We use a coaching website called TrainingPeaks. This is a great site for both the coach and the athlete. You will receive a daily email reminder of what workouts you are supposed to do that day (if you want that). You can log your workouts here if you like. If you are using a Powermeter or Garmin type running watch you can download all your workout information right onto the site for me to review. You can even access this site from a mobile device and log or check your workouts from anywhere.